Emails to Doris Schöttler-Boll occasioned by the news 
that Danièle Huillet passed away

In the 1980s, Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet came to Bochum again, as they had done in 1969 when I first met them. This time it was because the Schauspielhaus people had made possible the screening of what was then their latest film, in one of the downtown cinemas. Jean-Marie had let me know about it in advance and so Doris Schöttler-Boll and I were there, watching the film. Afterwards, we met the Straubs, and spontaneously, Danièle gave the bouquet of flowers she had received from the Schauspielhaus organizers to Doris.

When Doris received the news that Danièle had died, she let me know immediately. I was both sad, confused, and sort of numb with - was it grief or disbelief? I dreamed of her, and sent Jean-Marie an absurd, confused letter: a piece of paper that told that grief. In hindsight, her last postcard seemed to me like an Adieu.

Doris sent me copies of many emails she received in those days, all relating to Danièle and Jean-Marie and their films.

They are published her, in memory of Doris, and perhaps as my way to pay hommage to these cherished and loved filmmakers. Especially to Danièle who went too early, leaving behind the one with whom she had worked so courageously.

- AW

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