The Fairy of the Fields: A new collection of countryside features in today's Egypt, written by Dr Aidy Aly Gomaa, professor of Arabic literature at the MSA University, Sixth of October City, Egypt.

Giniyyat al-Hoqoul (The Fairy of the Fields) is the title of a recently published book comprisingĀ  a new collection of features about life in the countryside of Egypt, written by the poet, writer and critic Aidy Aly Gomaa about the everyday life in his native village nearĀ Cairo. Gomaa describes in these short stories the specific dreams, aspirations and disappointments of ordinary peasants in his village in a touching way. This collection promises to be one of the phenomena in the field of Arab- Egyptian countryside narratives set will set an example for future writers. (M.Y.)


Dr Aidy Aly Gomaa


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