Tony Morgan, Untitled(?) painting, 1985 or earlier.


Seven suns of the body
those five oranges 
of the green-grocer
eight openings towards the world
in you – 
the lilac melody

symphonic arrangement
of pointed and
obtuse areas 
lines lines and lines !


and white shines thru


the canvas
a white area of the world
that extends endlessly
still empty, devoid of scribbled words
that sheet of paper
of your life
but then you write on it
and write and write
“Japanese orange,”
                                     he says
painted in the shiny blue
of a care-free time – 
it Is as far away
as the painting is
from the object
of memory

(These poems, written in English in the early 1980s, were translated into German in May 1989 for a projected German language book with poems "about" art works. They were  retranslated into English in Feb. 2014.
The original English poems are  probably lost.)
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