Announcement of a music & poetry performance by TIMO VAN LUIJK and ANDREAS
WEILAND at the H8X12 Space for Contemporary Art, Sept. 5, 2010


De Witte Raaf

Angelo Evelyn

Pavel Branko

Colette Dubois on the 
Brussels art scene
(in:  H ART)

(backup copy of the
article by C. Dubois)

Interview with Chris Dercon
in: "Nachbar Belgien"

(backup copy 
of the  interview)

Lithographie Werkstatt
(Lithography Workshop)

The Hortus Blog

The Hortus Project

Films by Karin Mels
shown at Eichstaett

H8X12 exhibition
of works by 
Luc Piron: The
"Hortus" editions

poetry reading by
Andreas Weiland
in the Eichstaett
(June 2010)

The "Eichstaett
poems" by
Andreas Weiland
(limited edition 
printed by
Siegfried Höllrigl)

write an email
to the editor


ART IN SOCIETY  is happy to notify you
that recent art works by LUC PIRON will be shown at the
H8X12 Space for Contemporary Art in Tielt-Winge near Leuven

Vernissage: Sept. 5, 2010 at 3 p.m. 

There will also be an audio performance 
by the composer & musician Timo Van Luijk 
and a poetry reading (in English) by Andreas Weiland 

Please visit the following websites:

La Scie dorée 




