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Works by Jean Georges Massart at H8x12 Space for Contemporary Arts 
accompanied by poems written by Andreas Weiland 



                     Beautiful blue
                             edge of wood.
                      Wood color! 

                          The shadow on the wall
                              yet another, 

                                             a faint color!

                        I don't know what you are for,
                                      blue tentacles
                                         of this tiny, brown
                                                    wooden quiver.

                                     A hollow object

                                            made of the halfed segment

                                                   of a bamboo pole -

                                                 Jean-Georges Massart,
                                                            Bamboe, vuur, blauw pigment (2009)


                          Betoerendes Blau!
                    Holzfarbe. Komplementaer!

                     Der Schatten auf der Wand -
                            eine weitere
                             eine gedaempfte Farbe.

                     Ich weiss nicht welchem Zweck ihr dient
                                  blaue Tentakel
                               dieses kleinen, braunen 
                                         hoelzernen Koechers. 

                             Ein hohler Gegenstand 

                           gemacht aus dem halbierten Abschnitts

                                   eines Bambusrohrs -


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